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Katie Rose

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs laps around house belting a very random Little Women medley, pauses to map out plan of how to convince parents to drive six hours to Los Angeles, then resumes running and singing*
I promise I'm not insane or frightening.... I think very few "Little Women the Musical" fans fall into that category anyway... :-) I'm just an enthusiastic and aspiring musical theatre thesbian... does that not define me enough? :-)
Mr. Varela, I will now officially purchase your action figure.

Katie Rose

Okay, the instant change in the wording of your "disclaimer" section worried me that my enthusiasm frightened you... I'm so very sorry if that was the case! My sister's theory is that Susan gave you a safety lecture :-), but please let me assure you that I am a COMPLETELY sane and very, very respectful young woman who has nothing but the greatest admiration for what you do, and would be THRILLED beyond belief to get to meet you all. Just thought I'd share... :-) I'm sorry!


wow did you just say DC til 7/24? I'll be there by myself, alone, (AND BUSY, VERY BUSY) around that date...but, maybe...just maybe, I'll be there for you to make me cry again! (and maybe get to meet you after? and by you i mean you, mr engaging-personality)...alright, im falling asleep now so i wont comment on your garbage party/rest of your post tonight, ill come back tomorrow and comment...thanks for keeping us posted...

Andrew Varela

No, I wasn't thinking that you ladies are crazy, but putting something online is like running naked thru Times Square: you don't know who's watching but you sure are cold.

You passed the test a long time ago. Don't worry, you're in.


Katie Rose

Mr. Varela, your comment made me feel so much better! :-) And, a sidenote, the little purple grammar monster that lives in my head is reprimanding me. Spelling correction: thesPian. Ooops! (Gay Pride yesterday, guess it was on my mind, haha.)


Thanks for not thinking we're crazy, but Im guessing you're wrong about me...hehe jk...
btw, I will be in DC but won't make it to any of your presentations, how sad is that? I wanted to go a day earlier than I have to, but there is no way for me to make those arrangements :(...ill keep trying...
oh, and I'm home at 4am again tonight and too tired to comment the rest of your post, maybe tomorrow...


You guys get in ok? Talk about crazy weather. Luckily I'm in the Maryland suburbs, in a house on a hill, so we don't have a flooded basement, and my car didn't get washed away (poor people in that hotel in Alexandria!).

Have you booked time for Oscar to see the panda yet? I don't know how the passes are doing these days, but I know they're still on the pass system.

Not sure when I'll be around - that's kind of up to Steve. I'll be out of town your final weekend, though, since I'm practically required to be at LM tour closing in St Louis that weekend. Want me to say hi to Randal for you? *g*


Dang it for living in Los Angeles. But I am going to see the show again when it comes to the Pantages theater in August, so excited. I caught the show for the first time last september when it was in costa mesa.

Hey Mr.Varela, any chance of getting the backstage tour and a chance of meeting Maureen when you are here in Los Angeles?

Love you and the show!


Sarah Vulcano

The webmaster's email address seems to be out of service or something.
My name is Sarah Vulcano and I'm a student at George Washington University. I don't know if
you will get this in
time, but I am a frequentor of the blog and I didn't think I would be able to see the show in
DC but my plans
changed. I will be seeing the show tomorrow, the 28th of June. Is there any way to forward
this to Mr. Varela to
set up a possible backstage tour (if he is up to it)? Any help would be great! Thanks so
Sarah Vulcano


Sarah, I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but I'd still like to know if you were able to do something. How was it? were you able to get in touch with him?


Wow!! I am so excited! We seem to have missed the show with all of our travels this year. We missed Dallas. We missed Cincinnati. But we won't miss Washington!!! We have tickets for July 5th! Woo Hoo!! Little Women is just the best story of all time. I loved it as a girl (when I was such a Meg) and I love it even more now as a mom. My daughter (a Jo) has been raised with the story and now she can finally be enriched with it's music and this wonderful cast. Just a great way to prepare her to start in the fall at her new school, Orchard House! Yes, it is really called Orchard House! We can't wait to see the show in just a few days!!

Katie Rose

I am currently at summer dance program, so I've spent the last month in a dorm. Inspired entirely by your blog, on our last night together (Thursday night), I have organized a Garbage Party for all of us! :-) Just thought you might be interested to know!

Katie Beth

Oh dear, this is FAR too exciting. And amazing. And it makes me want to scream and jump up and down but my mother might fear for my mental sanity (or lack thereof) Oh dear. Now I sound like a crazy person, too. Anyways...I live in Dallas, so this will be quite a feat, but it IS college shopping time (I'm going to be a senior) and I've never been to DC AND my dad's up there right now...I am definitely concocting a mischievous plan right now.

Garbage party is a fabulous idea! Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope all is well!

Ashley Batten

Hi Mr. Varela,

My name is Ashley Batten. I'm a vocal performance major at Carnegie Mellon University. My parents and I will be coming to see the show in DC on Sunday, July 9 at 7:30. I was excited when I read this blog! Would it be possible to take advantage of your offer of a backstage tour? I would appreciate it so much if it's still possible. I tried to e-mail the webmaster, but the account has supposedly been terminated. Thanks so much for your help.


Ashley Batten

Hi again Mr. Varela,

I just realized that I met you backstage at the Opera House a few days ago. I was one of the group of girls there with the Signature Theatre musical theatre program. I was the one who asked what role you play in the show. So you're the offical blogger, too, I see! Very cool.


Krissy's Mom/Jan's Daughter

Mr. V,

I love your blog - I'd never heard of a garbage party, but it makes a lot of sense! Sounds like something a lot of the military families in the DC area do before they get ready to move on to their next location. I am SO excited to be taking my daughter and my mother to see your show in DC on Wednesday, 7/12. Three generations of Little Women lovers would LOVE a backstage tour if you can do it!



To Milwaukee from Wyoming!!! We are also three generations of women, very excited to attend the production at the Marcus Center openning night on the 25th of July. I read the book with my Mom and to my daughter. I always wondered why my name had to be Meg, and not Jo, Beth or Amy! We love the music and can't wait.

Daria  Maidenbaum

It's been so long since I've been on here, and now it's summer and I miss being at the rehearsals I was at last summer. I don't know if anyone remembers the lil music intern that I was, but if they do (people like Peggy, James, Doug, Ross, Susan, Steve, or anyone) can you tell them all I say hi? I loved seeing everything all put together when I saw the New Haven shows and I love seeing the dynamic with you and Susan because it's adorable. You guys rock. I hope I get the chance to see the full tour again..I still think I remember all the blocking and choreography if too much hasn't changed. ok, I'm rambling, just wanted to say hi and mention once again my love for all of you

Aude Sapere

Susan Haag

I have just been checking out your website and reading your blog. My cousin and I are attending Little Women on Thursday, July 27th in Milwaukee. I have always loved the story of Little Women and can't wait to see the Muscial.

Bin cleaning

So that's what a garbage party is well I've been wondering about it since I heard it from one of our neighbors,


Do you have a viable business but lack the necessary finances to get it off it’s feet?

sexy costume

I thought you were playing Fest but I guess not! Real shame you're stopping but we all had fun at the Kingston and Brighton shows. Hope you all visit the UK again with whatever bands you do in the future. Take care guys.

wholesale lingerie

Love the pics and theme! Can you please tell me where you bought the galvanized trash cans? Thanks!

wedding dresses

Looking at using your ideas for a garbage party. Was wondering how you made the stickers for the bottle caps that had a 4 on it, garbage truck, etc….
Also how did you make the t-shirt and stickers? I saw the invitation which I am going to order but wondering how to do the rest? I really like all the bottle caps!!!


The new year is already knocking at the door, let it will bring only happiness and joy.

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